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Promoting automatic savings to help people reach their savings goals

As part of America Saves Week 2017, scheduled for February 27 – March 4, Transformance is spreading the message of saving money and urging its network of partners to encourage people into making savings an automatic part of their daily lives.

 “America Saves Week is a great opportunity to help people in our community to set a goal, make a plan, and save automatically,” said Dr. Daniel B. Prescott, Jr., interim CEO of Transformance. “At any income level, the ability to save money each month is at the core of financial literacy and empowerment.”

To encourage people to save more successfully and encourage more people to save, Transformance is touting their highly successful A.I.M. (Accountable, Inspirational, and Motivational) Program. There are approximately 400 individuals participating in the initiative.

The A.I.M. Program, with assistance from the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas and Resource One Credit Union, establishes individual development accounts with matching fund deposits up to $25 each month. While that may not sound like much, the amount becomes $600 after a year in the program. Applicants must qualify for this assistance program and details can be found here.

America Saves Week runs from Feb. 27 – March 4. Take the pledge online and begin saving now! For more information on Transformance, please visit

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