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Fish City Grill and Half Shells have named Gje Greene-Wallace the company’s new Vice President of Marketing. She advanced to this role after 11 years as Director of Marketing for the company.

Company CEO and co-founder Bill Bayne recognizes the important role Greene-Wallace plays in the company’s growth plan.

“Gje is a true leader in our company and a vital part of our growth strategy. She brings a unique combination of strategic thinking, operational understanding and a continuing commitment to our Culture and our Core Values,” said Bayne. “And of course, she has a tremendous grasp of all aspects of marketing and consumer behavior. Additionally, Gje is very proactive in pushing for and seeking opportunities for professional development for our managers – especially for our female managers.”

Greene-Wallace came to Fish City Grill 11 years ago, following years of marketing leadership at Boston’s Pizza and Cotton Patch Cafe. She drives all strategic and tactical marketing, advertising and public relations plans for both company-owned and franchisee-owned restaurants.

A graduate of Texas A&M University, Gje and her husband, David, live in Frisco with their son, Henry.

Fish City Grill and Half Shells have been engaged in a strategic growth plan, with a regular cadence of new store announcements occurring annually.


Fish City Grills and Half Shells are neighborhood seafood joints serving great seafood and cocktails in a comfortable, casual setting. Our tagline says it all; “Friendly folks. Serious Seafood.” We are equally proud of our company culture and the personal relationships we have with our Team Members, our Customers and our neighborhoods.

Fish City Grill and Half Shells have 23 locations throughout Texas, Arkansas, Florida and Oklahoma with more to come!

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