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Strap on your running shoes and join the Dallas CASA Young Professionals for their first virtual Superhero 5K, presented by the Littletons and the Thompson Knight Foundation. Invite your friends to join the fun, then set your own pace to run, walk or jog 3.1 miles March 1 – 7.

Everyone who pre-registers will receive a Superhero 5K t-shirt and a link to upload your time. After March 7, prizes will be awarded for the best run time recorded in several different categories with special recognition for best Superhero costume!

All proceeds benefit the children served by Dallas CASA. Tickets are $35 to $75 - available at

Dallas CASA Young Professionals is a vibrant group of volunteers who serve as an outreach, volunteer and fundraising arm for Dallas CASA. Founded in 2009, the mission of the Young Professionals is to increase awareness of Dallas CASA and the organization’s critical role in the community. The group is open to people ages 21 to 40 years old who want to make an impact on the lives of abused children. Superhero 5K co-chairs are Mindy Busch, Sonya Reddy and Ben Riemer.

Dallas CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) recruits, trains and supervises community volunteers who advocate for the best interested of abused and neglected children.

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