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Dr. Glenn Ihde recently performed his 500th Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) procedure at Forest Park Medical Center Dallas, a milestone that marks his continued status as the worldwide leader in the utilization of this procedure for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), more commonly known as acid reflux. 

November 23-29 marks the 16th annual GERD Awareness Week established by the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders to encourage people experiencing symptoms of acid reflux to consult their physicians for information and support regarding options that provide relief, such as the TIF procedure. 

“The TIF procedure, performed completely without incisions, can significantly improve quality of life,” said Dr. Ihde. “Before the TIF procedure, patients were facing a lifetime of medication or an invasive procedure that induced significant side effects. After the TIF procedure, clinical trials show that most patients can eat and drink foods they avoided for many years, and that reflux no longer impacts their life like it did prior to the procedure, while avoiding the side effects of older procedures.”

Studies suggest GERD is the most common gastrointestinal-related diagnosis made by physicians during clinical visits in the U.S., and it is estimated that pain and discomfort from acid reflux impacts more than 23 million people two or more times per week in the U.S. In addition, medications used to treat GERD often cost more than $2,000 per year and present side effects that are often overlooked.

The TIF procedure adheres to the idea of surgical repair of the anti-reflux barrier, except that it is “surgery from within,” performed through the mouth. The procedure reconstructs the valve between the stomach and esophagus restoring the natural, physiological anatomy to prevent gastroesophageal reflux. Because the procedure is performed without incisions, patients experience less pain, reduced recovery time and no visible scar. 

According to a study published in the September issue of American Surgeon, the authors concluded that “Patient satisfaction and effective palliation of symptoms prove that the TIF procedure is safe and efficacious in comparison to LESS Nissen and Toupet fundoplication surgeries, and we offer strong support for its continued application and evaluation.” Also, a head to head study of reflux symptoms showed TIF was much more likely to resolve symptoms than medications 

“Innovative procedures like this continue to make Forest Park Medical Center an industry leader in providing the latest and greatest technology and options for patients – all in a truly state-of-the-art environment,” said Dr. Robert Wyatt, Forest Park founder and system chief medical officer. “At Forest Park, we are dedicated to providing better quality of life for our patients.”

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