Taste on the Tarmac



Central Standard Time



Galaxy FBO
15625 Addison Road
Addison, Texas 75001

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This Friday, April, 26, Taste Addison kicks off their annual event season by honoring culinary leaders of tomorrow – all while raising funds for a great cause. Taste on the Tarmac, an elevated tasting happy hour experience, combines the culinary arts and community,  from 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the beautiful new Galaxy FBO at Addison Airport. Guests will enjoy fabulous bites and sips while benefiting the Metrocrest Services Sack Summer Hunger Program. The event is presented by Oncor.

The stars of this celebration will be the CFBISD high school culinary arts students who are competing by making their best Taste Bite. A fun twist to the competition --- 50% of the ingredients used in creating the Taste Bite must be items that are typically donated to a food pantry.

Guests attending Taste on the Tarmac will vote to select the People’s Choice Award. Top honors will be voted on by the Mayors of the Metrocrest region.

The winning entry will have the opportunity to present their Taste Bite at Taste Addison, May 31 – June 2 in Addison Circle Park. Recipes for all of the entries will be available at Metrocrest Services Food Pantry during the summer months.

In addition to the student prepared bites, Chamberlain’s Steak & Fish  will provide an array of tasty bites and a paired beverage. Tickets for the networking event are $125 per person and can be purchased here:

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