Starts 06/27/2024 19:00 (Thursday)
Ends 06/27/2024 21:00 (Thursday) Central Standard Time
Duration 2h
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Thursday nights in Rockwall are extra special this summer as the city presents its annual series of Concerts by the Lake. Held at The Harbor between 7 and 9 p.m. each week from May through July, the concerts feature a wide assortment of musical artists. Performing next in the series on June 27 is Lone Star Skynyrd.
Lone Star Skynyrd, comprised of longtime Texas musicians, faithfully recreates the high-energy concert experience of the original Lynyrd Skynyrd. Lone Star Skynyrd won the 2022 Josie Award for Best Tribute Band in America.
The free concerts take place on the Amphitheater Stage at The Harbor, 2059 Summer Lee Drive, on the shores of beautiful Lake Ray Hubbard. Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets, picnics and beverages. Restaurants at The Harbor provide a variety of food choices. Food can be brought in or delivered. Concerts take place unless there is rain or severe weather at showtime; however, the start of a show can be delayed if it appears rain will stop soon.
One of the best things about Concerts by the Lake is that you can experience the shows from land or from water: Scores of boats will fill the Rockwall Harbor enjoying the sounds of the summer concerts.
Free parking is available in the garage in the TrendHR building at the top of Summer Lee Drive. Note: There is no on-grass parking anywhere at The Harbor.