The Omni PGA Frisco Resort has been called the home of modern golf, and with its two beautiful 18-hole championship courses its easy to see why. This fall, however, golfers will flock to the Monument Realty PGA District, where the resort will offer a fun collection of golf events perfect for all ages and skill levels.
Golfers seeking a longer commitment can sign up for the "The Swing Stampede," a weekly league on the PGA District's short course, The Swing. The league will play every Tuesday night at 6 p.m. from Sept. 26 through Oct. 24. Each week, up to 24 individuals will compete in a variety of formats for prizes, including a grand prize at the end of the season going to the leading scorer. The format will be randomly pulled from a cowboy hat every Tuesday just before 6 p.m. Groups of six will be assigned on the night of each contest. Registration is limited to 24 participants for the full five-week duration. Player substitutions are not permitted, and refunds will not be issued for missing a week. This is an individual contest and not a team competition. Advance registration for the league is required and can be made here: Registration fees include the Tuesday night tee time, a weekly beer voucher at Ice House, and weekly prizes.