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This summer, Trinity Christian Academy (TCA) students were presented with a unique learning opportunity - the chance to journey to the Cayman Islands while simultaneously earning school credit. TCA middle school science teachers Bob Adams and Stephen Megison, joined by TCA administrator Janie Heard, lead a group of students on the five-day diving expedition, granting them rare access to some of the most vibrant ocean life the Caribbean Sea has to offer.

To prepare for the trip, each student became certified to do open water dives by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI).  Participants also met weekly throughout the spring to study common reef fish of the Caribbean, their unique behaviors and habitats.

While in the Cayman Islands, the students performed six boat dives, one shore dive and a night dive. During the dives, students were able to identify more than 90 species of tropical fish and invertebrates. Each student who completed the trip was awarded a one trimester credit for a marine ecology course.

"It was a blessing to experience the beauty of the coral reefs together and to learn of God’s character," said Adams. "We are excitedly laying out plans for next summer’s trip and the continuation of marine ecology at TCA.”

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