Sometimes an ordinary day at the office turns into a rescue mission with a happy ending. Sebastian Jimenez, a service valet at Park Place Motorcars Fort...
A new foster parent resource has launched as part of a foster parent awareness campaign to recruit loving foster homes in Metroplex East, a nine-county region...
Through an outstanding collaboration, Youth 180 and AIDS Services of Dallas (ASD) have successfully completed a real estate transaction of 10,000-square-feet in...
Online banking allows you to access your money with just the click of a mouse or a tap of your finger. But that ease of entry can also give fraudsters a way...
Travis Lee Ratcliff and Brody Carmichael, both from Shelton's Class of 2009, are executive producers of the film “Dynasty & Destiny,” which will be showcased...
Moving to a new home can be an exciting yet challenging experience, especially when you have kids. The thought of uprooting your family and starting fresh in a...
When it comes to choosing the right shingles for your house, there are several factors to consider. The type of shingles you choose can greatly impact the...
Hannah Pittman – Guest Contributor
Jun 13 @ 08:00
Everyone's seeking the secret to that perfect, radiant complexion that seems to defy the logic of age and stress, and often, they find their answers in the...
Mental health is a crucial aspect of our children's overall well-being, and as parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that their mental health is nurtured...
DALLAS, Texas, June 12, 2024 – The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden kicked off the third annual Pride in Bloom weekend-long event on June 8. The...